
Showing posts from September, 2020

'Philosophy is dead'

 'Philosophy is dead' -Stephen Hawking According to many, philosophy is dead because it has failed to keep up with science's progress- a progress that completely obliterates any attempt philosophers may offer at explaining the universe because of how detailed and rigorous the scientific description of nature has become.  This conclusion, however, evidently comes from a person who has never actually taken the time to think about the definition of philosophy, in this case the branch of philosophy able to explain the natural world in an approach parallel to scientific progress: philosophy of nature. What is philosophy of nature? Philosophy of nature is the branch of philosophy focusing on the natural world. The natural world can be studied through two perspectives: -Science: explaining natural phenomena in terms of other natural phenomena or causes, focusing on components and action. -Philosophy of nature: explaining the being and methods of being, knowledge and processes, foc...